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A little bit funny(?) story from yesterday

March 12, 2007

It was very nice day today. Sunny! Nice.

Every year I get hey fever. This has been since my childhood. Every year, same time, sneezing and very itchy throat.

Yesterday I researched what I can do to change my body condition so that I don't get this kind of sneezing any more.

I have found several websites in Japanese, and one of the doctors says taking a cold shower is good way to change your body condition. He recommends taking cold shower after hot one is good as well.

The reason why taking the cold shower is good is because you can strengthen your adrenal glands by changing the temperature of it that is very sensitive to. The adrenal glands are distributing steroid hormone, and this hormone prevents us from getting diseases.

By spending your time in a comfortable living condition, the adrenal glands get weaker, so the original strength of it won't be taken out.

I talked this story to my husband being excited, and declared him that I am going to do this!

He said :
"But taking the cold shower is very cold... Why don’t you just put two ice cubes over there?"

Me: "..."

Me: "Indeed.."

My normal brain is always surpassed by his this kind of totally different point of view!

But I think taking cold shower after hot shower is the way that works.
I started doing this.



Aki-san, hello~!
Since the comment area in Japanese blog has been off, I'm posting a comment!
How have you been??
It sounds very annoyinng to have hey fever. As a matter of fact, I don't have that problem although I get similar symptoms with dust.

Good luck on fighting with it. Hope the new method will work it out!
P.S. ダンナさんの突っ込み!最高ですね。あ、日本語になっちゃった(笑)。

Thank you for your comment, and 私は元気です!


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